
Dan Tokaji, Volunteer Attorney, ACLU of Ohio
Paul Moke, Volunteer Attorney, ACLU of Ohio
Richard Saphire, Volunteer Attorney, ACLU of Ohio
Meredith Bell-Platt, Attorney, ACLU National Voting Rights Project
What: The ACLU of Ohio and the ACLU’s National Voting Rights Project will present oral arguments appealing the decision of Judge David Dowd in the landmark case of Stewart v. Blackwell. In its lawsuit originally filed in 2002 against the state of Ohio and four counties, the ACLU argues that the use of non-uniform, unequal and inadequate voting technologies in and by the State of Ohio, specifcally the infamous “hanging chad” punch card, is a violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment and that the use of different voting technologies has a disproportionate and negative impact on the voting rights of African-Americans in Ohio.

ACLU of Ohio Attorneys will be available to provide commentary on the case and the effect it may have on voting rights.

When:  Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Hearings begin at 9:00 a.m.

Where: Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Floor Courtroom, Room 403, 100 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH