As the grass gets greener and Spring flowers bloom, we want you to be aware of what’s on the horizon for adult-use cannabis in Ohio. 

Have you spent the last 5 months wondering about what will (or won’t!) happen with Issue 2? As the grass gets greener and Spring flowers bloom, we want you to be aware of what’s on the horizon for adult-use cannabis in Ohio.   

So, when can you buy adult-use cannabis and partake in some joint fun with your buddies? As with most things related to our legal system, it depends. Here’s where we stand today (Note that this information is current at the time of publication and is not legal advice)

  • The Ohio General Assembly can change the laws regarding adult-use cannabis at any time but must do so through the legislative process. Despite some bill introductions aimed to change cannabis laws, the General Assembly has not yet passed anything concrete to change the law as it was written in Issue 2. As a result, the Division of Cannabis Control is creating the legal framework necessary for an adult-use cannabis industry based on Issue 2’s language. 
  • The Division of Cannabis Control is blazing through its rulemaking process, setting up the administrative structure and regulations for the adult-use industry. These rules will, among other things, result in the licenses necessary for current and future dispensaries to sell adult-use cannabis. You can find more about the proposed rules and information regarding public comment, here.
  • Since Ohio’s overwhelming support for Issue 2, all signs have pointed toward availability of adult-use cannabis by the time that leaves start dropping this Fall. However, based on the progress of the administrative rulemaking process, some have speculated that Ohioans might be able to purchase cannabis sooner. This may happen if current operators receive their licenses and meet other criteria before the Division of Cannabis Control’s September deadline to issue these licenses. 
  • In the meantime (barring any legislative changes), people in Ohio who are 21 years and older are allowed to possess and consume cannabis. While there are no limits on how adults who are 21 years and older consume their adult-use cannabis, there are limits on where they can consume it, how much adult-use cannabis that person can possess and in what form, the number of plants that they can grow at home, and more.  
  • You can find more information about the current status of adult-use cannabis and its rollout at the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center’s Cannabis Crossroads, here.  

The ACLU of Ohio supported Issue 2 because of its role in stemming the tide of drug-related entanglement with Ohio’s criminal legal system. However, our work is not done. We’ll continue fighting for policies that address the decades of harm created by the failed war on drugs. The wait for adult-use cannabis is almost over, but we’ll need your help telling lawmakers that their work is not done either. Keep an eye on our socials for more updates as well as ways to get involved as we roll forward.