*** On December 16, 2020 a federal judge struck down Ohio’s policy that prohibited transgender people born in this state from correcting the gender markers on their Ohio birth certificates. The judge's ruling resolved the constitutional challenge to the policy brought by the ACLU of Ohio, ACLU, Lambda Legal, and Thompson Hine LLP in March 2018 on behalf of four transgender clients who were born in Ohio.

To comply with the Court's order, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) has established new procedures that allow transgender people to correct the gender or "sex" marker on Ohio birth certificates.

ODH's new process empowers transgender people born in Ohio to correct the gender marker on their birth certificate so that it truly reflects who they are.

Unfortunately, on November 19, 2024, the Ohio Supreme Court was unable to reach a majority in a case pending before them, In re Application for Correction of Birth Record of Adelaide, 2024-Ohio-5393, regarding whether Ohio Revised Code Section 3705.15 allows a probate court to make a sex marker correction on a transgender person’s birth certificate. There is therefore no controlling Ohio Supreme Court precedent, and probate courts throughout the state are not all interpreting this provision in the same way. It may therefore be wise to check with your probate court before filing an application.

Review the FAQ: Correcting the Gender Marker on an Ohio Birth Certificate one-pager and the Name and Gender Change Guide for Ohio Residents for more information.

In Ohio, you CAN change

Your legal name by filing a petition in court;

  • To obtain a legal name change in Ohio, you must file an application in the probate court in the county where you reside, and you must have been a resident for at least one full year.
  • At least 30 days before the court hearing, you must publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper; however, you can have the publication requirements waived for personal safety.
  • Note, people with certain criminal convictions are ineligible for a name change.

The name and gender marker on your

  • Driver’s License/ Ohio ID
    • You can update your name and/or gender on an Ohio ID through the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. To update your name, you must submit a court order certifying the name change.
    • To update your gender, you must complete a “Declaration of Gender Change” form.
      • This form includes a physician/psychologist statement that the gender change is being conducted in accordance with the World Professional Association for Transgendered Health’s Standard of Care.
      • You may request the form by
        • Calling 614-752-7600 or
        • E-mailing the Registrar on the BMV website. Note, the form is not available on the Ohio BMV website or at the Deputy Registrar Agencies.
      • The completed form may be faxed to 614-351-6019, emailed to [email protected] or mailed to
        • Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles
          Attn: License Control
          PO BOX 16784
          Columbus, Ohio 43216-6784
    • It may take 7-10 days to process, but you will be notified in writing if the gender change is approved.
      • Afterwards, you must present the approval documentation to your local License Bureau, and you will be able to receive a corrected card for a duplicate fee of $24.50.
  • Social Security Information
    • Social Security cards only list names and social security numbers. However, the Social Security Administration maintains additional information in online records such as date of birth and gender. To change your gender on your Social Security record:
      1. Gather the following documents proving your:
        • Identity
          Acceptable documents must be current and show your name, identifying information (such as date of birth or age), and a photograph.
          • You may provide a U.S. driver’s license, state issued non-driver identification card, or a U.S. passport.
          • If you do not have these specific documents, you may be able to submit others including an employee identification card, a school identification card, a health insurance card (not a Medicare card), or a U.S. military identification card.
        • Gender**
          To prove gender, the Social Security Administration needs to see a document with enough biographical information to clearly identify you. Below are acceptable documents.
          • Valid 10-year U.S. passport showing the new gender;
          • Court order directing legal recognition of change of gender; or
          • Medical certification of appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition in the form of an original letter from a licensed physician. The National Center for Transgender Equality has more information on letters that meet Social Security requirements.
          • ** In light of President Trump’s January 20, 2025, Executive Order, the Social Security Administration may no longer make updates to a gender marker designation if inconsistent with one’s sex assigned at birth. See here for more information. We will update this guidance as more information becomes available. If you have been impacted by this order, please submit this form.**
  • U.S. Citizenship

The name on your

  • U.S. Passport
    • You can change your name on your US Passport. To change your name, you must apply for a new passport.**
      • If less than one year has passed since your passport was issued:
        • You can use this online guide to fill out and print Form DS-5504, or print Form DS-5504 and complete it by hand.
        • You must submit the form by mail along with your current passport, an original or certified name change document (no photocopies), and a color passport photo to
          • National Passport Processing Center
            P.O. Box 90107
            Philadelphia, PA 19190-0107
      • If more than one year has passed since your passport was issued:
        • You can use this online guide to fill out and print Form DS-82 or print Form DS-82 and complete it by hand.
        • You must submit the form by mail along with your current passport, an original or certified name change document (no photocopies), a color passport photo , and all applicable fees, to
          • National Passport Processing Center
            P.O. Box 90155
            Philadelphia, PA 19190-0107
      • *Note, some people may not be eligible to complete DS-82 and will need to submit others forms in person.
      • ** In light of President Trump’s January 20, 2025, Executive Order, the State Department may no longer update the gender marker on U.S. Passports (including renewals) if inconsistent with one’s sex assigned at birth. See here for more information We will update this guidance as more information becomes available. If you have been impacted by this order, please submit this form.**

Join Equitas Health and TransOhio at Free Name and Gender Marker Change Legal Clinics around the state.

TransOhio is now accepting applications for Passport and Name Change financial assistance.

Check out Equitas Health Name and Gender Change Guide.

DISCLAIMER – The information on this website is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Every case depends on the specific facts and circumstances involved. To submit a complaint for review, please go to our Legal Help page.