Past Events

Southwest Ohio Action Team Post-Election Gathering

Join the ACLU of Ohio Southwest Action Team to spend time in community post-election. We will be acknowledging the wins we had this year, reflecting on the election, and looking towards the future.

December 4, 2024

Statewide Action Team: Lame Duck Overview

Join Action Team members from across the state and members of the ACLU of Ohio Policy and Organizing departments as we discuss top priorities for this OGA's Lame Duck session.

November 21, 2024

Lorain County Action Team: Power of the Ohio Supreme Court

What does it mean to 'vote for your rights' as a supporter of the ACLU of Ohio? How can elected officials protect and preserve civil rights and civil liberties in the state's seemingly fraught political landscape?

November 3, 2024

Lucas County Action Team: Power of Ohio Supreme Court

What does it mean to 'vote for your rights' as a supporter of the ACLU of Ohio? How can elected officials protect and preserve civil rights and civil liberties in the state's seemingly fraught political landscape?

November 2, 2024

Franklin County Action Team: October Meeting

Join us for an upcoming Franklin County Action Team meeting as we introduce new members to our team and discuss the critical work we’re doing in Central Ohio.

October 22, 2024

Cuyahoga County Action Team: Power Of Ohio Supreme Court

What does it mean to 'vote for your rights' as a supporter of the ACLU of Ohio? How can elected officials protect and preserve civil rights and civil liberties in the state's seemingly fraught political landscape?

October 22, 2024

Southwest Ohio: "Power Of" Program

As the election approaches is is so important to understand what different elected officials and offices actually do. So join the Southwest Ohio Action Team to brush up on your knowledge before you head to the voting booth.

October 20, 2024